Sunday, February 1, 2009

Eat Your Veggies

I realized today that I enjoy reading other peoples' blogs and salivating over their photos of their food more than I enjoy writing my own blogs. Maybe I'm just lazy or I just don't take the time photograph all of my meals. I'm going to try to start being more diligent about photo recording my daily food for the sake of this blog.Anyway, enough food bar posts for now...
Last week I was starving after a late afternoon class and I felt like having sushi, but I had barely anything in my fridge except for mustard, carrots and some apples. So I decided to have carrot wrapped in nori with whole grain dijon mustard; sort of sushi-like in appearance, I guess. I was so hungry I was making these rolls in a mad rush, which is why they ain't so pretty.Pretty tasty though, although I may be biased because they were mostly carrots (and those who know me know I love carrots). Another food I just started loving is eggplant. I like to roast them and scrape out the soft flesh and make an eggplant spread with some hummus and serve it on top of a plate of salad or steamed carrots and zucchini. This is what they look like after roasting:They smell super good! Not very many people have seen my veggie stew that I used to live on during my uncreative culinary year last year, so here is what it looks like:Veggie Stew:
  • Vegetable broth (I make my own)
  • Onion
  • Garlic
  • Celery
  • Carrots
  • Broccoli
  • Seaweed
  • Green onions
  • Tomatoes or tomato paste
  • Cumin, coriander, curry powder
I basically chopped everything into bite-size pieces in that order and toss them into the boiling broth. Except for the garlic, which is minced and the seaweed needs to be rehydrated for a few minutes in water. This is my default dinner if I have all the ingredients because I don't really have to think to make this, good for when I'm starving and can't be creative. O_o

1 comment:

  1. love eggplants too! in fact, I created a dish called eggplasta pudding with eggplants and eggs! soooo eeggggy~ hahaha
    btw, I'm korean, and christian, too!
